Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Faith Factor

It was totally a different one. The feeling has just not faded yet, and I hope it will stay for good.

The anticipated moment drew nearer. And though the entire scenario as to where to go, who are going with, and what are to be expected weren't clear, there's something in this activity that excites me most. I'm sure it another journey to a place that I've never been to.

The excitement of discovering new areas, for me, in this planet. Places where some people might have been before, few have seen at times or none has ever experienced at all. All of these I want to see and feel, in which I'm sure GOD would like me to experience.

And when all seemed so perfect, a thought bumped my mind as to what am I going to do in this camp? I haven't been involved with Y.A.M.A.N. for quite sometime - therefore I wouldn't enjoy it that much. I might waste my time, effort and my friend's money (Thanks Bro Bren for being a channel of GOD's plan for me). The thought had gotten worst when Bren had plans of not coming due to his aching tooth. Woah! It could mean one thing, the trip might no longer possible for me too.

The anticipation had suddenly changed to anti-participation. Series of questions ran through my head. What are my options? Where will I be if I won't go? When will I feel peace? Why do I have doubts? Am I having lots of Fears?

And just when I was about to quit. I remembered my notebook's cover with a phrase : "Walk with Faith!" , and so faith came.

Those questions which I have asked earlier had remarkably turned upside down. Still I got lots and lots of questions, but all of them now flows with optimism, with full conviction. What do I have to lose? My GOD stays at my side anyway. Where is the highest peak that I could go to? I got GOD's wings to help me soar high. When will be the soonest time to burst out, sing praises and shout for joy? Why would I let doubt interfere when in fact I hold GOD's trust in me?

Never Fear when you have Faith in your heart.

Several definitions of Faith runs across www.dictionary.com. As for me, Faith is something I believe in, seen or unseen, the trust in GOD and in His promises as made through Jesus Christ.

Only then that I knew, all along, it was faith that brought me believing that something good is about to happen in this camp. Indeed - My faith has not failed me.

I'll fill you up with picture perfect moments. And as I always say, let the pictures tell the entire story of my Journey to Mission Camp.

Hope you will enjoy, co'z despite my sneezing and running nose, I did 100%.